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you are not alone. you are not weird. you are not snowflaking.


for true contact with soul & Self

and uplifting encouragement

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How can I help you?


If you feel as if you are running around in circles, instead of following your path, your true soul calling. If the signs are there, but you can not make sense of them. If you keep forgetting about setting boundaires....


You have lost the connection with your soul and Self


While you may have to make changes on several levels, I can help you re-connect. By translating yourself and source for you. By teaching you how to listen to yourself and source. 


I am a channel for guidance and wisdom to set you on your path to yourSelf. I do this with my writings, with readings and with Hathor healing.  I help you unlock your best guide - your Self - in this life. So that navigating this life becomes easier. At last. 


I am a space holder.

My aim is to make you look at yourself, truly look at yourself with kindness and compassion. And when you are not yet able to do this, I will, and teach you. That is the start.


I am a word weaver.

I tune into the universal wisdom and our inner knowing. I channel these vibrations in words, for insight and inspiration. And a road to healing. That is the inspiration.


I am a soul listener.

The words I gather [in texts] for you, will speak to your soul, and make it come more alive. Make you become more in tune with it. That is the gift.


I am a natural teacher.

I will set you on your path to translate yourself and universal wisdom. Help you find your flow, your direction. By example and suggestion. That is the promise. 

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Find my workshops (in Dutch) here


Watch free webinars (in Dutch) here.


© 2021 by Tris Gilis. 


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